Your Guide to Employee Training and Development

Kat Boogaard

You want your employees to perform their jobs well. But how do you make that happen?

Sure, you give them industry-leading tools and software. You keep your proverbial door open to answer questions when they have them. You try to make tasks and processes as manageable as possible.

Those are all important, but there’s one more big thing that needs to be added to your list — adequate employee training.

If you're thinking of improving or implementing employee training and development in your organization, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll cover:

What is employee training and development?

Employee training is the process of equipping employees with the guidance, knowledge, and resources they need to excel in their positions. Training and development are often said in the same breath, but there’s actually a slight difference between the two terms.

Employee training - Providing targeted instruction for how to perform specific duties, complete tasks, use tools, etc.

Employee development - Offering coaching and backing to help employees expand their skill sets, advance their careers, and grow within your organization.

See the difference? Training is focused on a job-specific responsibility or process, while development zooms out to support employees in achieving their overall career goals.

Even though the two are slightly different, they really do go hand-in-hand — especially since they build off of one another. After all, adequate employee training lays the foundation that employees need to do their jobs well before they set their sights on further career development.

Employee training

What are the benefits of employee training and development?

So, why do organizations need an employee training and development plan? What’s in it for them? Rest assured, companies who focus on adequate training and career growth stand to gain a lot, including:

1. More competitive recruitment

Employees want to receive the education and support they need to do their jobs well. In fact, one Gallup study found that 87 percent of Millennials consider development to be important in their jobs. Training and development programs are something you can (and should) tout in your recruitment materials to attract more top-notch talent to your open roles.

Training and development opportunities are often deciding factors when evaluating job offers.

2. Increased employee retention

Opportunities for learning and career growth can also encourage your best employees to stick around, as they feel valued and supported in their careers. A report from LinkedIn states that 94 percent of employees say they would stay at a company if it invested in helping them learn. Taking this a step further, higher employee retention means organizations save on the cost of hiring and training a replacement.

3. Boosted employee morale

Employee satisfaction and happiness are also key to a positive culture and low turnover. Think of it this way: When employees feel like they have what they need to do their jobs well, they’re far more likely to enjoy their work. That leads to improved morale across your team and organization.

Employee training

4. Increased productivity

Similarly, when your employees have the foundation they need to perform their tasks, they’re not only able to do them more effectively but also more efficiently. That means positive things for the output of your team.

5. Fewer skill gaps and shortages

Skill shortages are real. Research from the Association for Talent Development states that a whopping 83 percent of organizations have skill gaps. Training and development programs help companies plug those holes by guiding their existing employees in learning new competencies that serve the organization.

Combine all of those benefits together, and you have the biggest benefit of them all — improved organizational performance.

Are there different types of employee training?

When you think of employee training, it’s easy to picture a dry seminar or tutorial. Shake that dated view of what effective training looks like.

As employee development has moved to center stage, there are tons of different employee training methods that help you deliver knowledge to employees in a way that resonates best with them. These types of employee training can include:

1. One-on-one training: An employee is matched up with somebody who can walk them through processes, answer questions, and provide support. Examples of this are:

2. Hands-on training: An employee learns a new skill or process by doing it, rather than being told about it. Examples of this are:

3. Online training: An employee is trained through an elearning experience, which allows them to learn at their own pace. Examples of this are:

GoSkills course library for employee training

4. Group training: An employee learns along with a group, such as being educated about a new company-wide process. Examples of this are:

5. Assessments: An employee is evaluated so that they and their employer can get a grasp on where they currently stand with regard to skills and knowledge. Examples of this are:

Of course, there is a lot of overlap between these different types of employee training, and numerous methods are often used in conjunction with one another to create a comprehensive and helpful employee training and development program.

Want to boost your team's success?

Learn why training and development matters (and how to do it right)!

How can you effectively implement employee training and development programs?

As with any other type of new initiative you take on, a training and development plan isn’t something that you can create and then step back and watch as it works its magic.

It requires active participation, engagement, monitoring, and improvement — not just from the employee, but from the organization as well.

With that in mind, let’s cover a few best practices for effective employee training and development plans.

1. Set helpful training goals

Employees need visibility into not only what training programs they’re undertaking, but also how those initiatives will help them. Why should they care? What will this program accomplish?

One of the best ways to do this is by setting SMART training goals. SMART goals are:

Employee training

This gives employees a tangible target to work toward rather than participating in training and development opportunities because they feel like they have to. Set these goals in partnership with your employees, so they feel involved in their own education and growth.

2. Get buy-in from leadership

Effective training starts from the top down, and you’ll have a hard time engaging employees in your offerings if your leadership team and executives remain tight-lipped about them.

Unfortunately, while 83 percent of learning and development professionals say their executives support employee learning, only 27 percent say their leaders are active champions of employee learning and development.

So make sure that all of your organization’s managers are looped in on your programs, what you hope to accomplish with them, and how they can best support their own teams. When leadership buys in, it’s more likely that employees will too.

3. Involve your employees

Training objectives and programs shouldn’t just be handed down from on high. Instead, you should be involving and actively listening to your employees to ensure you’re offering opportunities that support them in their own career desires and objectives.

In addition to what they want to learn, you should also ask how they want to learn it. Perhaps you’ve been offering a lot of real-time seminars, but your employees would prefer online training that they can fit into their own schedules.

Consistently ask for feedback so you can deliver training and development programs that meet your employees’ needs — rather than adding yet another thing to their to-do lists.

Employee training

4. Commit to constant improvement

Feedback is only valuable if you act on it. That means your employees aren’t the only ones who should be learning. You should be too.

Keep up with trends in corporate learning and training delivery. And when you gather feedback from learners about what’s working well and what isn’t, use that information to make strategic changes and improve your training and development offerings moving forward.

For example, maybe you’ve heard that gamification could make your training more engaging and compelling. And who hasn’t noticed that social media platforms are catering to shorter attention spans with just-in-time bites of content? Incorporating these elements will show that you’re looking out for your employees and will yield better results.

gamification status levels - goskills lms

Plus, this commitment to constant improvement will prevent your training programs from getting stale.

What should you look for in an employee training provider?

When talking about employee training, you can’t neglect the importance of online training. Convenience matters more than ever, which means many employees prefer learning opportunities that allow them to tackle topics at their own pace.

That’s why many organizations have implemented an employee learning program in the form of training platforms or a learning management system (LMS) like GoSkills that helps them manage all of their development and training needs in one place.

But, if you’re considering looking for your own training provider, what should you keep an eye out for? Here are a few must-have features:

GoSkills has these features, plus tons more that will help your team ace their learning objectives. Ready to kick off your employee training and development programs? Get started with the GoSkills Learning Management System.

A better way to train

It's easier than ever to create, track, and manage team training with the GoSkills LMS.

Kat Boogaard

Kat is a writer specializing in creating online content for software clients in the training, careers, self-development, human resources, productivity, project management, and business ownership spaces. Her content has been published and/or syndicated by brands such as The New York Times, Forbes, Fast Company, Inc., Business Insider, TIME, Mashable, and LifeHacker. Beyond writing, she has had roles in marketing, public relations, and has worked as an employment advisor. When she escapes her computer, she enjoys reading, hiking, golfing, and dishing out tips for prospective freelancers on her website.. Find her on Linkedin here.