Impact Assessments

The European Commission uses impact assessments widely to provide evidence and information when making decisions on trade policy.

This is part of the European Commission's Better Regulation Agenda, which aims to boost transparency in EU policymaking.

Impact assessments identify problems and possible solutions; and describe the likely economic, environmental, social and whenever relevant, human rights impacts of those solutions.

For trade agreements, they aim to answer such questions as:

To answer these questions, an impact assessment must:

  1. verify the existence of a problem;
  2. identify its underlying causes;
  3. assess whether EU action is needed, and;
  4. analyse the advantages and disadvantages of available solutions and their impacts.

An impact assessment also includes an on-line public consultation of interested parties.

When completed, the impact assessment identifies the best course of action to take and accompanies the proposal when it is submitted to the EU member states.


How are the assessments carried out?

Impact assessments are prepared by Commission services in accordance with the related Better Regulation Guidelines and Better Regulation Toolbox.

Additional Guidelines on the analysis of human rights impact in impact assessments of trade-related policy initiatives provide a tailor-made guidance for analysing human rights impact of trade agreements.

Better Regulation Agenda

The Better Regulation Agenda is about designing and evaluating EU policies and laws transparently.

Ongoing assessments

There are currently no impact assessments ongoing.

Completed assessments

2021/12: Anti-Coercion Instrument

Regulation regarding the protection of the EU and its Member States from economic coercion by third countries.

2019/05: GSP Regulation Post-2023

GSP Regulation Post-2023: Study in support of an impact assessment to prepare the review of GSP Regulation No 978/2012