NJ Traffic Crash Data

Car Crash Deaths

Click/Double-click the legend labels to toggle or solo each type.

As of Sep 9, NJ has 446 reported deaths in 2024 , and is on pace for 695 , exceeding 2023's 606 . More state-wide data.

2021 and 2022 were the worst years in the NJSP record (since 2008), with 697 and 689 deaths, resp.

Recent fatal crashes

Driver killed Driver killed Driver killed Pedestrian killed Pedestrian killed Driver killed Driver killed Driver killed Pedestrian killed Pedestrian killed 1 - 10 of 9,396 Page: Page size:

NJ Traffic Deaths – YTD

NJ Traffic Deaths – YTD

Some data arrives weeks or months after the fact, so current year numbers are especially subject to change.

NJ Traffic Deaths vs. Homicides

NJ Traffic Deaths vs. Homicides

Traffic crashes kill 1.5-2x as many people as homicides in NJ.

NJ Traffic Deaths per Month

NJ Traffic Deaths per Month

NJ Traffic Deaths, grouped by month

NJ Traffic Deaths, grouped by month

NJ DOT Raw Crash Data

NJ DOT publishes raw crash data, including property-damage, injury, and fatal crashes, going back to 2001 (≈6MM records).

The data currently ends in 2021, after a drop in all types of crashes due to COVID, and mid-way through a spike in fatal crashes in 2021-2022 (based on the NJSP data above). 2022 data should land in early 2024.