California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson

California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson, Named A Top Lawyer 13 Years in a Row.

With over 45 years of experience both in London and in California as an entertainment attorney, California entertainment lawyer Sebastian Gibson is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to British Film and TV producers and how streaming services and platforms are affecting the UK film and industry and has written on this subject. There is currently nowhere that the changes brought about by streaming is having a bigger effect on a country’s film industry than Britain and the UK’s talent and producers, known for their excellence, have never been in more demand.

We can protect your film and television concepts and submissions with copyright and trademark protection, registrations with the Writers Guild of America and the Motion Picture Association of America, with contracts and agreements, and with submissions by an experienced California entertainment attorney. Importantly, we also know what to look for in analyzing submission releases so a producer or writer does not waive important rights.

With the experience of California entertainment lawyer Sebastian Gibson in the entertainment industry both as a writer and musician, we’re very familiar with all of the various ways in which film and TV projects are conceived and developed and we can assist a producer in the early creative stage as well. With experience in advertising as well, we can assist a producer later in writing the perfect pitch and preparing submission materials including show bibles and film lookbooks of the professional quality that’s expected today in the entertainment industry.

The submission process today is becoming more and more competitive with literally tens of thousands of producers competing to get their concept for a television series, limited episode TV series or reality show made and their film project financed. As a result, submission materials must be of the highest professional quality.

We’re also closely following the developments of the WGA lawsuit against four major talent agencies, their new Code of Conduct, the firing by WGA members of their talent agencies and the counter lawsuits by talent agencies against the WGA. We can advise producers with respect to packaging fees charged by talent agencies and how the lawsuit and firing of talent agencies by WGA members currently affects the talent agency packaging system currently still in place by most talent agencies.

In the creative stage of development, we can draft collaboration agreements, work for hire agreements, copyright assignments and other contractual agreements to ensure that a producer is the sole owner of all the underlying rights to their project and to ensure that when an E&O insurance legal opinion is requested by an insurer, they will be able to confirm the proper legal contracts have been signed with every participant in the creation and development of the project.

California entertainment attorney Sebastian Gibson can assist a film or television producer to obtain development money and to structure a development money deal, film investments and we can review and negotiate a producer’s pre-sales and negative pick-up domestic and foreign distribution agreements.

We’ve reviewed and negotiated book and script options, life story agreements, shopping agreements and with our expertise in copyrights, trademarks and licensing, we can assist a producer in securing the rights to any of the underlying rights to their project.

With securing investor money so crucial to a producer, we can advise producers when it’s necessary to have an experienced securities lawyer prepare a private placement memorandum known as an offering to passive investors, the requirements for qualifying for an exemption from registration, and when an offering is not required when obtaining investments from accredited investors. We’re also familiar with California securities laws, venture capital investment and debt financing,

With decades of experience in corporate law and formations, we’ll explain the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships, C and S corporations, limited and general partnerships and LLCs. We can also handcraft an LLC operating agreement to fit the structure and plans of a producer’s team for their umbrella LLC and create individual LLCs for each project which becomes ready for development.

We’ll help a producer develop a plan for submitting their film to the right film festivals for the producer’s film and for being prepared with an experienced festival team including sales agents, a website for the film, a Facebook page, trailers, a movie poster, and other materials in order to hit the ground running with a cohesive advertising and publicity campaign formulated in advance.

California entertainment lawyer Sebastian Gibson can also assist a producer to develop the most appropriate marketing plan for distribution for all of the various platforms and markets and advise them when it’s best to fragment distribution and retain certain areas of distribution for themselves. If a negative pick-up, pre-sales deal or minimum guarantee is not available or in a producer’s interest, we’ll advise a producer accordingly.

Having written on the changes streaming is having in the entertainment industry and changing strategies by streaming platforms, California entertainment attorney is particularly knowledgeable in the area of streaming VOD platforms and services, and we can advise a producer the best way to approach streaming services if a producer is interested in marketing a project to them. We’ll also advise a producer on the advantages and disadvantages of retaining an aggregator.

We can draft all of a producer’s production contracts and we are extremely knowledgeable in drafting, negotiating and reviewing actor contracts, and how to structure profit participation contracts to protect an actor’s back end points.

With our knowledge of the music industry, we’re also knowledgeable in the complex field of film music licensing, and drafting composer agreements, and music supervisor contracts.

When you need a California entertainment attorney for any stage of a film or television project production, for any corporate matters or pre-production, production and post-production agreements, the right choice is California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson.

California Entertainment Event Attorney

With the growth of music festivals in the Palm Springs, Indio and Coachella area, the Coachella Valley has become one of the fastest growing entertainment and musically creative areas in California. Despite this, entertainment lawyers in the Coachella Valley and even those in Orange County with the talent and experience of California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson are far and few between. When you need of a lawyer who understands the industry, Sebastian Gibson is a recognized leader in this specialized area.

California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson can provide you with entertainment event contracts and agreements and advise you on issues and arrangements involving sponsorship agreements, merchandise and licensing contracts, vendor agreements and other contracts for services at entertainment events, concerts, live performances, festivals, world tours, charity events, athletic events, sporting tournaments and competitions, and sponsor parties for music festivals and athletic events.

When you need a California Entertainment Attorney for artist agreements, live performance contracts, licenses, permits, releases or agreements with cities and agencies, tour managers, artist managers, artist business managers, promoters, conductors, stage managers, sound engineers, lighting operators and crews, security, rehearsal space, recording studios, film and television producers, influencers, photographers, or modeling agencies, the right choice is California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson.

Whatever your needs for the entertainment event, live performance, festival, athletic competition, sponsor party, world tour arrangements for performances, or for a television or film production, California Entertainment Attorney Sebastian Gibson is the right choice to assist you in your endeavor.

Sebastian Gibson began as a musician and songwriter performing internationally and on national TV, and later became a published author and attorney representing models, artists and sports figures around the world. His entertainment experience gives him an inside understanding of the industry, and after obtaining law degrees in both the U.S. and Great Britain and many years of practice both in the U.S. and in England, his combined experience give him a distinct advantage over other attorneys.

Palm Springs and Newport Beach Entertainment Attorney is the right choice today, the counsel you keep tomorrow for your entertainment matters in California and internationally. When you need a California Entertainment Attorney for your film, TV, music, publishing, art, fashion or modeling projects, for jewelry and fashion designs that need trademarks, or for your screenwriting, songwriting, acting, writing, or modeling, Sebastian Gibson is the right choice for you and for all your entertainment endeavors today and for the future.

California Entertainment Lawyer Sebastian Gibson’s practice areas in the field of entertainment law today include motion pictures, television, music, publishing, modeling, model management, talent agencies, video on demand movie projects, copyrights, trademarks, entertainment events, music and film festivals, live performances, concerts, world tours, comedy festivals, fashion events, athletic events, sponsor parties, sponsorship agreements, endorsement agreements, film music licensing, merchandise agreements, performing artist contracts, songwriter agreements, book options for films and television, stage productions, art, fashion, modeling, publicity and privacy rights, misuse of images, athlete and celebrity representation and international entertainment matters.

California Modeling Lawyer Sebastian Gibson